Not because it's monday though.
That kinda sucks actually.
allthough this sketch might not be that exciting, it's neverthelles a bench mark fro me.
It's the 400th sketch in my" sketch of the day" practice!
I started this in june of last year, and have tried to be fairly consistent.
Sometimes doing more than one or two a day, sometimes less.
And, now, I've hit four hundred.
Im happy.
Killer pascal.
Congratulations on hitting four hundred!! What a great challenge (and wonderful exercise) to do a sketch a day.
This city seems to have a story behind it. Is it anywhere particular?
god.. I gave myself so many challenges last year.
At one point, Iw as trying to do one short animation a week in addition to the sketch of the day AND my regular work.
Needless say I wasn't able to keep that up,especially AFTER i got engaged(^__^)
I'll get back to that though, since Animation is such a big part of my passion.
as far as the city.
It doesn't have a particular story.
I'd made up a whole storyboard in thumbnails , and this was one of the last big shots.
But, it got crushed on the very first presentation( whihc is really strating to p..s me off, excuse my french) but , that's the way it goes.
Also.. the skethc a day is loose.
It really started with a very SIMPLE sketch. and was only five days out of seven( weekend was animating and living a little!)
my.... I write a lot these days, don't i?
KUDOS ! 400 is a huge number !
I saw your art in flight forum... nice sketch
This one is just brilliant!! And congrats on hitting 400!
hey Guys!
Thank you all!
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