After I did that piece, i realized that I tend to see my work as pieces of still animations.
So, I figured I should someday try to break one of these apartin different moment...and, since I already had the set up, it really didn't take me that long to add extra character positions in there.
I think the result is pretty interesting, no?
Great staging and poses! As always I love the birds contributing to the action. I'm excited to see the rest of the series.
It's very nice and funny. I've just been through your whole blog and I'm a fan, your pictures are crazy! Most of all, I'm very impressed by your "production speed" (can we say it in English?...) and the quality of each picture. I mean you seem to be very fast. It's very inspiring...
cest cool mec, mais je trouve ca etrange que la neige ne bouge pas, ahha joke...ca doit etre de la neige synthetic cest pour ca, ahha ,,,cest vraiment tres beau serieux, et jai hate de voir ou il s'en vont , il doit y avoir un monde imaginaire sur le top ou peut etre il vont trouver le pole sud au soleil !
soooooooooooo nice. Your work is phenominal ! spectacularly inspirational!
It's like wonderful super detailed storyboards. I am curious to know what happens next :)
Thanks guys!
Oui...j'ai remarque que la neige ne bougeait pas!
J'ai essayer de reparer ca dans la nouvelle serie
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