Thursday, October 21, 2010

A foggy night


kavyashree said...

do u like come up with one work everyday?

KAVI said...

YES! they are back ! I missed her ( really like it , the little mouse is awesome !!!!)

pascal said...

I do..every day of the work week, although I have to say that it is probably going to stop being so as of next week!

J'ai ete un peu a la bourre ces derniers temps, du coup j'ai pas trop penser a ces persos, mais j'espere en faire plus avec eux!

Vavy Ala said...

Comme si on suivait une histoire sans parole... C'est sympa de retrouver des têtes connues, dans des instants de vie :)

kavyashree said...

no why plz don't stop!i love to see wat u have done!

mr.pascal could i knw abt ur profession! plz

pascal said...

Vavy...oui..c'est un peu ca!
It's just that I'm starting a big project on Monday and that I want to stay very focused on it, because it's important to me.
But I'll post images here and there.. just not as regularly!

Unknown said...

Nice mood and atmosphere!

Jared said...

NICE! i really like this one :) i wana fly through a city with monkeys too!!

pascal said...

Thank you Jared, Nearchos