HA.. the weekend. It's usually a relaxing moment. I think this one will not be relaxing. It will be fun, busy, filled with work friends and family, and , I'm guessing, little sleep.
Ah.. as someone I admire a lot( Yes, that' you Therese!) would say, It's a good Life!
Pascal, I check on your sketches every day (hoping that your diligence and talent might somehow rub off on me by just looking at your work)and they are always amazing. This one, however, brings a tear to my eye. I really want to go give him a hug. Bravo.
héhé J'adore repasser ici :)
Les précédents croquis sont impressionnants... celle du train, je suis soufflée... quelle patience ! :) (et je suis toujours aussi désolée pour les anglophones du blog :()
(oui ca fait un moment, je me fais discrète, j'observe ! je suis même plus sure de t'avoir transmis mes félicitations pour ton mariage... alors félicitations ;))
I like the way you tell a story with such simplicity.
surely is a good life. :) you know what Pascal? The greatest admiration I have for you is built on the fact that you never complain no matter how much stuff you have to do or how late you have to work - you simply love it no matter and you always manage to say something cheery about it about any situation. :) It reflects on your work and it also infect me so much, it makes me happy with whatever Im busy with myself. :)
Always amazed when I come here Pascal. The last two pencil sketches are fantastic.
You guys are the best.
Thank you.
I love your work.
Timtimsia, c'est super sympa ca!
Doron Meir. Trust me, I work hard on that!
Muffin. Well, you know what I think of you already!
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