comes a little late in the day, not because it is such a complex image, but simply because there's a lot of stuff happening around me these days. Big changes are happening. I'm getting married, I'm leaving my job to go freelance, and I'm doing a ton of extra stuff on the side as well.
It seems all pretty straight forward, but, when you actually get into action, you realize that a lot of things that seemed clear, easy and direct, are full of twists and turns, and hidden things. Other issues, on the contrary, are much easier and funner than you'd expect.
At this point, I thought I had a good grasp of some things in life..it seems I was just deluding myself. I guess it's part of the charm and the fear of living..it's that you really never know what's in store.
Sigh...what a life....wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
I like this image, it is amazing~ may I put some of your pictures in my web album?
BTW, congratulations!
great illustration!!
love the colors and the way you have done the raindrops.
good and interesting blog!
the couple in Paris is my favourite, and I want congratulate you for the wedding and good luck in marriage and as freelance..sure you have it!
i´ll come back if you don´t mind..
you´re invited to my "house"..>>
Hey , Thanks guys. Wow.. these three names are totally new to me.
Echo.somay..please, feel free to use whatever you want.
Simon. Thank you. yeah.. i like drawing rain and snow. I have to stop myself from doing it sometimes.
Thank you. That's my fiance and me actually, or caricatures of us really.
Please do come by.
I'll definitely go and check your bloc out.
well, i can't say i'm surprised campion. but i should say "it's about time!" and "big congrats!"
you'll be more than fine in freelance world. plus no more trips to emeryville!
good luck bud,
I love it ! The atmosphere is really credible...
I think you just like to draw, whatever you draw...
(je vais causer français, mon anglais me fait faux-bon pour ce que je veux dire, sorry for the others :s)
Quoique tu dessines tu as l'air d'y prendre ton pied, et ca, même si c'est pas le cas, c'est génial et ca rend chacun de tes dessins interessants :)
How are YOUR wedding preparation coming?
You know, now that it's all decided and I have less than two weeks at work, I just can't WAIT to not have to spend an hour each way everyday. I just can't!
How are things with you? Ihaven't kept up with your blog in a bit, but I did see the video.(^_^) YEAHHH! Beautiful job Aaron!
Ah tiens, j'avais pas vu que tu m'avais laissez un petit mot. C'est vachement gentil de ta part!
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