Thursday, March 01, 2007

Vamos a la playa

That was inspired by an old eighties song...

Happy Thursday everybody.



mike said...

it was in the 80's here today! been a while. this image fits my feeling of today perfectly. :)

sarah said...

So cute and cheerful and happy. It makes me feel like the sun is out just looking at it :)

anhdres said...

haha you're only lacking the "OH OH-O OH-O" after "vamos a la playa".

si señor!

pascal said...

Hey guys!
Thank you.

I had NO idea how to write it...but a friend of mine found a youtube video on it. it is SO hilarious to see it again!

Unknown said...

this helps me to miss the beach even more:(..... ohhhh the warmth!!

Thanks for bringin some to me tonite! Masterful yet again

Unknown said...

your compositional sense never ceases to amaze me. i like the personality you add to the characters too.

paulbordeleau said...

Image parfaite dis-donc !! J'adore comment tu compose tes illustrations et que dire de tes couleurs, wow !

pascal said...

Oh wow.. I hadn't thought this one was going to get so much feedback. AWESOME. It seems everybody is picking up on the joy that went into doing it.
I love that feeling, when you literally are on a "high" when you're drawing. I'm totally exhausted by the end,, because it is so concentrated and short, but, what a feeling!
Thaks guys

yolk said...

mm.. i filling sea breeze ;D

Joe said...

Was the next line of the song, "a mi me gusta bailar"? Very cool image.