It's been a while since I've done my little piggies.
Happy friday everyone.
And, for those of you who are in San Francisco, today is GDG, the Game Developer's Conference. I'll be going there today and I've never been to one before. I'm curious as to what it is going to be like.
You are a true Champion Artist your designs are fun an lively the colours you rock are vibrant and the scence always pull you in what else could I say that you haven't heard already stay fresh and keep the fire BURNING!!!
I recently discovered you in an interview somewhere online and have fallen head over heels for your work. It's exactly what I aspire for in my own work. The storytelling, characters and colours are just fabulous.
Don't let it get to your head now, but you have another fan :p
Beautiful illustration Pascal! Such great composition and design, colour, texture... everything! Super inspiring, thanks for sharing :)
salut Pascal,
tes illustrations sont bien à la hauteur de ta passion et de ta tenacité d'antan, je comprends tout maintenant… (après + de 10 ans, j'crois ?!)
Tu dois être 100 fois plus inspiré à San Francisco qu'à Strasbourg ou dans le 70,hein…?
En tout cas, ma fille (8 ans) adore tes illustrations,
les couleurs, les formes, le dynamisme… je ne sais pas… c'est l'aura que ça dégage !
peut-être a+
St john.
Thank you. I'm trying, I'm trying. It ain't always that easy!
That is so nice of you to say this.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you for looking.
Ca dois faire environ 14 ans en fait. Une bonne paie.Comment vas tu? Comment s'appelle ta fille?
Que fais tu maintenant? OU est tu?
Ecris moi a pascal_campion@yahoo.com
ca sera plus facile.
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