Friday, August 07, 2009


I'm having internet/upload issues right now, so, here are some older doodles rather than a new sketch! But if you check out Scribiling, there's a new image there

Have a GREAT weekend


Léonard PIVA said...

youpi, j'adore les scribblies!

Ryan Green said...

Pen! Yay! I like this change of pace.

Kendra Melton said...

Love sketches! Wonderful collection of pieces on here, and the short stories in them make them priceless. Amazing work! Thanks for bring inspiration :]

jessicadrhp said...

loving the doodles!

Pop9 said...


laurghita said...

Finnaly I get an ideea what its the process behind those wonderful sketches...

pascal said...

Thanks guys

Laurghita... I don't sketch before I start the color pieces. these doodles are just that. Doodles in my sketchbook, with no other purpose or intent than to just relax while watching TV!