Another con down!
What a convention this time though. It was so much more intense than the two previous ones I'd been at, and I sold out of books by lunchtime on Saturday morning, AND I had brought a lot more books than the previous years!
I did keep some at home for the rest of the year though, so, anybody that still wants one, please email me and I will send you one!
I'm probably going to repost about the Convention in a later post, maybe even today to talk about the various people I met there, the greatest talents and the funny things that happened, but for the moment, I need to wake up and catch up on WORK!
Ho god.. is it hard today!
Hey Pascal it was great chatting with you on preview night! My fiance Cheryl kept remarking how nice you were and kept recommending people to check out your booth. Congrats on selling out of your book!
I echo Bobby's congrats my friend. Good job!! I heard that the con was great this year, and I'm plannin on joining you guys there next year with my own book in hand! We'll do lunch!!
Hi Pascal! It was really great getting to meet you at the con this year. I finally got to sit down and got a chance to look through your sketchbook. Love your art and the book looked great!
I'm so glad we finally got to meet and chat! I'm happy your book sold out, but sad because it sold out before I got there.
Hey Pascal!! I tried to swing by your booth to say hello end of day Sunday (I know! took me that long to make my way to that side of the hall!!), but you weren't there- I got to chat with Mike though, which was wonderful! Hopefully I'll see you next time around! :D (ps- congrats on selling so many books!!)
Glad you had a great time at the Con. No surprise your book sold like wildfire as your art is increasingly more and more amazing!!!
Hopefully we'll join you next year for the Con. Are you thinking about doing Wonder-con this time around?
it was quite an honor to meet you at con, thanx for signing the book!
I'll list you on my blog!
Cheers! :)
hey Pascal!
congrats on selling all your books! I was hoping to buy one from you too! I was also wondering that maybe someday I can maybe watch you when you create one of your crazy, cool, amazing, drawings one day. well take care!
your number 1 fan,
Nikki =p
(^_^) Thanks Guys!
That was an extremely fun convention!
Bobby. It was SUCH a pleasure to meet you and Cheryl, both at the con and at the party. Say hi and THANK YOU to Cheryl for me.
See you next year! I'm not sure lunch at the con is an easy thing to do, but we could definitely do drinks or dinner afterwards!
Edwin. Thank you so much!
I'm so glad I met you, and you really didn't disappoint. You're so much like your drawings.
Ah.. sorry, once I ran out of books, I ran back to my wife. Eight months pregnant...I didn't want to leave her more than absolutely necessary!
Email me tough, and I'll send you a book!
I have one for you guys! I only brought 3 fourths of the books I had, I still have some for friends, family and special clients!
You're part if the friends bunch by the way, and YES, I'm thinking about wondercon very seriously this year!
Thank you, and no problem! It was my pleasure!
I'll give Kaitlin a book for you, and, sure, why not?
Kaitlin knows where our studio is, you should ask her to take you by it sometime, or, just send me an email and I'll give you directions!
Thanks Pascal! We'll nab it once we get together again. We'll see who crawls out of the work vortex first.
It was super cool meeting you at your booth and heckling mike. I'm glad I got the book when I did. You only had 6 left at the time. I will see you later on :)
pascal! it was such a pleasure putting a face to all the wonderful drawings/animations. i was sooo happy that you sold out on all of your books but soooo sad i couldnt purchase one. i would love to buy one from you if you have any extras. congrats on the baby to come and having a wonderful comicon.
It was nice to meet you Pascal. It sounds like your Con went well - hope you enjoy the CAKE book.
Ditto mah homie Bobby! :D It was great meeting you!
(^_^) Thank you!
Nhudiep, send me your address and I'll send you a book!
Hey Pascal, congrats on the sales of your book! Love your stuff, you're a regular feature of my desktop background here at work, the current one being the elephants at sea in their little tugboat :)
I would love a copy of the book if you have any left? I'll send you an email.
Hi Pascal, how do I get a copy of your book? My friend looked for it at the con, but alas, they were all gone!
Abbeychase, email me your address at
and I'll send you a book, either in this batch if I still have some, or in the next one, when I get a new order!
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