This is a piece I did for a charity event that will be held at Pixar in late August.
I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in this, among other EXTREMELY talented artists.
If you guys want to see more of the awesome work that has been done for this show, check out the website.
For all of you in the bay area, you should totally come to the opening, late August. All the info is on the site. It'll be a chance to meet some cool people, see some great art, and have a good time!
Cheers and have a GREAT day!
Super ambiance! :)
Today I was work very slow, becouse I found your blog and your website. Cool style, cool color, cool work! Yeah, and super flash animations on your site. Good luck in your work!
It seem's you put a lot of effort on the depth in this picture, am I right?
It's verry efficient and full of subtleties :-)
Once again, we can feel there's a little(or a big) story going on in this forest :-)
Love the variations of red. I've been seeing some great work popping up on dif blogs for this project, can't wait to see a full gallery of it all...
Yes man! Great pic for a great cause! Was Dice the one that set this thing up? What a great opportunity.
Excellent! Great mood you've captured, man.
You always seem to be totally fearless with color- awesome!
Sounds like a great event.
Wow, part of the Totoro project, that sounds fun. I read about it today. It sounds great, we need that forest! ^___^ It looks like you also captured the deep forest and its magic with brilliance.
animefish.com: I have worked slow for years now, AND I don`t mind, the Pascal Industry amazes me every day! :)
Hey!! Thanks guys!
Animefish...(^_^) Thank you, that's a nice compliment, but I would hope my work would make you happy, and be more"productive"....sort of..
Hmmm...it wasn't really a different process. I just took a little more time on it, and, the actual size i drew on is HUGE, so the details look more"fine".
Talking about that
If you guys want to see a higher res version..here
Thank you!I kept it simple, but when I see everybody's work, I feel like I should have done it differently, BUT, it is what it is!
Rawls. Yup, Dice..!
Alex Thank you!
JP... HA.. I'll take that as a
compliment! Thanks
Blom Thanks a lot.. you and Muffin are my biggest fans!
super neat and cute haha!
ah so turns out this project is related to the japanese 'totoro' movie. love that movie.
Hey Jessica...yeah..totoro is such a phenomenal movie!
uao!! I love your details, the atmosphere is fantastic...
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