This is for the project called Terrible Yellow Eyes, initiated by my friend Cory Godbey, as an hommage to Maurice Sendak and his wonderful works, especially for the book, Where the Wild Things Are.
You can learn more about this project HERE
or simply go to this link
You can also check out another piece for this event on Alina's blog
Have a GREAT Weekend
J'adore, c'est fabuleux !
Est-ce voulu la forme des arbres qui rappelle des silhouettes humaines ?
Sinon, petite info, je ne le savais pas,mais l'illustrateur-animateur Chris Palmer travaille sur une animation de l'oeuvre de Susanna Clarke "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell". J'en rêvais !!
Que ceux qui ne connaissent pas ce livre filent vite l'acheter, c'est fabuleux ! J'en suis bien à ma dixième relecture !! :D
Hi, my name is Rômulo I do Brazil, 20 years. I leave that comment as you may know your art is super inspiring to people who believe you can not imagine. Thank you very honored us by putting all the days of the week these beautiful works, which are sensational. Thank you very much. Keep the good work.
PS: I used Google translator to write in English, sorry an error of language.
thanks guys
Romulu.Thank you so much.
Bonjour Pascal,
I love this picture - it's brilliant! The other submission you made to "Terrible Yellow Eyes" was also superb. :D Do you have them in a larger size (e.g. 1440 / 1650 / 1920 px wide), so I can use them as desktop wallpaper? It would be brilliant if you did!
Keep up the great work!
PS: I have one of your paintings at home - it was one you did for "Purr-casso". It's wonderful!
Thank you for the nice words!
Email me and I'm sure I can figure out how to give you that image how you need it!
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