Another scribiling post....
....seduisante et jalouse...
Tuscan women....charming and jealous...
I really had a ball with this theme...'m not sure why this one more than any other..maybe because it's about traveling and that I loved Tuscany when I visited?
Je me suis vraiment bien amuse avec ce theme et je ne sais pas vraiment pourquoi...peut etre que c'est a propos de voyages, de decouvertes et que j'ai absolument adore la Toscane lorsque j'y suis alle?
Ooo La La, she definatly has that je ne sais qua!
V.E.R.Y. nice! I like that even though it is a simply rendered piece it is all smoky and sultry at the same time!
very nice
Un brin de lascivité, un soupçon d'éthylisme, une apparence de nonchalance mais un oeil acéré. Attention, ça sent la femme fatale.
growl! lol she's on the prowl eh? good stuff pascal
j'adore bravo
Hey Pascal... have you seen this animated film?
Thought of you when I saw it.
wow!! she is like me.. i am jelaous too ...
really cute
Thanks guys!
Rawls... yup.. that's Louis's short..a friend of mine and a SUPER talented animator..working at Pixar, of course!
excellently soft mood lighting
Thanks Jay
Lovely. That's a beautiful woman! Your work is fantastic, I love your use of color!
Thanks Paco
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