a break was needed.
Too much work and not enough play, was starting to make pascal a dull guy.
I thought I'd bring out my little piggy friends and their flying car.
It's been a while, and i really liked them.
Who knows.. maybe they'll be the basis for a second book?
what's going on in my life?
still in San Francisco, still loving it.
Job's ok.. a little too busy( lol...i Love my understatements!oh geez!)
Freelance is great, and slowing down
I'm getting ready for comicon where I hope to see A bunch of friends, and get to meet some of these "idols" of mine.
well..the wedding plans are just streaming along.....
hmmm...it's a good feeling right now
and. for the side note, I'm listening to the blues brother's "WHISH SANDWICH".
funny song.
Ok.. Enough..I'm rambling.
Bed time.
dude! i'd love to get a chance to see you at comic con. what days are you gonna be there?
hey guys!
I'll be at comic con from thursday untill Sunday.
I'll be at the RYTHMN section booth , in the artist's alley.
come and say hi!
I'm also going to take a peek at the Flight stand.
Get a chance to say more than a passing HI to all these phenomenal guys!
Do you have a booth there, Mike?
no, this is my first trip there so i'm just walking around taking in all the sights. i'll be stopping by the flight stand too so i can finally put some faces to some of those guys! i'll be there all week too, so i'll stop by your booth.
oh great Mike!
Can't wait to put a HUMAN face on mister cow!
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