This post is a little different than usual.
I want to send a shout out to a person that has been a GREAT inspiration to me for the past two years or so.
He's a young artist that just won a scholarship and a shot at the Reuben awards, and he's not 21 yet.
His name is Chris Houghton and I think you guys should all check out his site.
Since I've met him I have seen nothing but incredible passion, determination, incredibly strong work ethic, and, above all, he is one of those rare NICE guys.
He and his girlfriend, Kassandra Heller are very big inspirations for me in my everyday work.
Just wanted to say that.
The other two pieces are for some friends of ours, Tia and Carlo Grasso and their family.
AN amazing family all together.
That's it.
bravo § j'adore celui avec les petit cow boy...
quel talent
Lovely work, as always your colour choices are amazing, cheers!
Pascal, you are amazing! Thank you SO much for such a GREAT illustration of us! I'm honored!
Nice! Very dynamic shapes and great colors!
Magnifique Pascal! Magnifique! Je suis fan des deux dernières. Bravo :)
Mon préféré est celui du centre : le mouvement du couple dansant est formidable. L'idée des arbres enlacés est très romantique. Les enfants sont mignons comme tout. Et pour le ciel, on ne sait plus s'il pleut des oiseaux, des plumes des pétales ou des étoiles. Féerique. :)
Je suis allé sur le blog de ton ami Chris : j'adore son monstre qui lit des comics ! :D
:D All I can say is, "WOW! A drawing of me and Chris by the Pascal Campion! YAY!" Its beautiful!! I love the colors!
haha the horse is smoking a cigar!
Cool! Thanks Pascal!
Great pics as always, Pascal. Double that shout-out to Chris Houghton!
man great stuff once again pascal! i'm telling you everytime i have a hard day, i just come to you blog and just smile. makes me happy everytime!
havent checked your site for just a few days and your new sketches are dazzling me. love the colours!
I was going to post on Chris' blog when he re-posted this, but if I'm going to get all complementary, I should probably give those regards to the artist who made it.
That illustration makes me all fuzzy. I dare anyone to look at that picture and NOT smile! Maybe it's because I know those two goof-balls, but your illustration defines love and happiness. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
I have been a big fan of your style since Chris introduced me to your work and I thought it was about time to let you know I think you're mighty awesome.
Thanks as well for the Reed Pin Up! It looks fantastic! I hope that animals smoking cigars becomes your new trademark...
-Shane Houghton
Hey Shane.. Hadn't this post until Now.. THANK YOU , I really appreciate this.
Are you Chris's brother?
Hey Pascal,
Yeah, Chris and I are brothers. I wrote the new Reed issue and we're planning on making (hopefully) a lot more! Thanks again for the great pin up. I can't wait to show it off!
-Shane Houghton
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