well, whadayaknow? I'm still busy as heck, which is why I don't take the time to do color stuff these days.
I'm drawing/sketching theses at night( last night_ while relaxing in front of the TV.it's like a mental zen exercise.helping me relax after the long hours put into animations....
Seeing that I still have a few more weeks of fairly intense work, you just might see more of these!
Have a GREAT easter weekend.
Great stuff! What are you sketching with?
Man, I like your sketches even more than the finished color stuff, but that's always how it is with me...
Love the lines on the tree, and all of it really, cool stuff as usual.
I agree - these sketches are at least as nice as the color drawings. The lines and hatching are a lot of fun, and I keep being reminded of Quintin Blake.
Well I love your sketches as much as I love your coloured work, so it's a treat regardless! :)
wow I love these sketch posts you've been doing Pascal! you're soo good :) hope you're doin well my friend!
J'adore tout ces petits tableaux en noir et blanc. C'est super joli.
Hey, Thanks Guys!
These are done with a micron pen
Eli. That happens a lot actually.
No worries there!
Old Man Fotz.
Ha.. I loved ( and still do_ Quentin Blake's work....I used to have a ton of books illustrated by him as a kid, and it was only years later, when I was in college, that I discovered who was the artist on these. I'm sure he had a major influence on my work !
Sarah..as usual, you're SO sweet.
Kei. (^_^) thank you!
Merci merci... si je te disais pourquoi je fais plus de dessin sur papier, tu rigolerais!
Aaaaahh... Et pourquoi donc alors ? Mmmh ?
C'est tout bete en fait.. je viens juste de m'acheter une planche a dessin!
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