And here the two other shorts I did for TMBG.
I'm putting them both together because I always thought cartrip was a little subpar. Way too rushed, but, it still turned out OK.
I really liked doing nine bowls of soup though. That was the first of the series I did,and the group was just SO easy to work with, so fun and so nice. Also,which is not common for clients, they actually knew what they were talking about in terms of stiry and animation.
I LOVE These guys!
Here are the links
Anyhow..have a GREAT day!
I've listened to these guys for a long time and I always think their songs make great videos. These are all really nice, Soup is my favourite I think. :)
Ahhh these are all so cute, Pascal! I think I like "soup" the best. soooo cute! The Icktheosaur (sp?) and birdy would make really cute toys.
These are so awesome! TMBG is one of my favorite groups of all time and it is SO cool to see your wonderful designs animated to their music! :D
oooohhhh more great new animations! thanks for the comment, I work as an animator for hallmark.
(^_^) Thanks guys!
Coffan..I figured you would!
wow. hi. you really have a nice page. :p hope you don't mind exchanging links. :P
great stuff, thanks for sharing!
le Roadtrip est mon préféré !
Super dynamique et plein d'entrain.
bravo !
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