I know, except for the blue, there really is no relation to Gershwin's piece,( which is one of my all time favorites!), but I like the title.
Anyhow, have a GREAT Friday. I hope the weather is as nice where you are as it has been these days in San Francisco.
It reminds me of the Disney movie Fantasia 2000 with Gershwin's music and Hirschfelds drawings. I think there is more inspiration from Gershwin to it than only the colors, but hey, that is a great place to get inspiration from. I don`t think I have seen you make clowns before.
I do also like the blue kitchen in yesterdays illustration. Are all of this from the same project? It looks like a big project with all the different places.
(I did get the information mixed up in my last post, so I started over. Sorry about that. :) )
aaaaah! nice! i liked scrolling across to find the clown. :)
I just found my new wallpaper.
that's so great i can't even stand it. i love your art and this is one of my favorites.
Curse you. Great colors and layout again!
Yes! Please do drop by the GB office when you get a chance.
Thanks for the compliments on Daffy. It was a mammoth amount of animation, but totally fun!
haha. alan is quite funny. all time favourite songs = gershwin's rhapsodie in blue. also like the clown in spotlight. does this have any relation to the subway in san francisco?
just curious about what type of computer you use to sketch. im guessing its a tablet pc? which brand is it?
Hey. Thanks guys.
Blom. The backgrounds are all the same project, but this one is totally for the fun( actually, it was for drawer Geek's theme of Clown)
You're spot on when you refer to Fantasia 2000. I saw that while in school, and, although a lot of the shorts in that movie were really good, the only one that stood out in my mind was that one. Not just the music that I love, but also the Hirschfield inspired designs. His lines, his rendition of life had such wit,such acute observations, such life...
I didn't consciously think about it while doing this one, but I must say it has inspired me.
Another big inspiration is Norman Rockwell by the way.
(^_^) Thank you
You're too kind
Wintermonkey...cool name
Thank you so much. I feel the same way when I see Ghostbot's animations!
Read the text right above this one!
I was going to come by this afternoon, but I thought it'd be indecent to come without a meeting. Also, I'd love Anthony to come, since he's always talking about you guys. I'll try and call next week though
Jessuca. thank you. Yup,Alan is a funny guy, in his super laid back style.
It actually does have a relation to the BART( San Francisco's sub is called BART). When people take it after a football or baseball game, it's always super pack, like last Sunday, and it's fascinating to see people's actions and reactions while on it.
I don't use a tablet PC. I have a wacom tablet, medium size and a copy of flash
That's pretty much it
your color scheme is very cool and adds allot of life and fun to the drawings.
Thanks Greenstamp!
This is great Pascal. I love that it took me a moment to find out what was going on, and in the process, you lead me along the crowd of people, all with distinct personalities. Nice.
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