Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's going to be a monster party


Unknown said...

Just love it mate! Keep posting Hallowwen art!

Aseph ( as-if ) :-) said...

Nice one man! Where do you find the time to do this everyday?! So consistent, and interesting awesome work.

DSM said...

I wanna go! Will there be bread spreads and candy corn.
Really...the tail lights on the broom...vroooom!

Jocelyn Liang said...

Beautifully done, not to mention very charming! I thought the colors were orange and blue from the thumbnail, but up close it's gray. I love the smart ways you use saturation and desaturation together.

TIKI WOLF said...

Silly Werewolf!
(-) (-)

Jon Lankry said...

raah j'adore ! que dis-je ! J'aime !!
Ca me fait tellement plaisir de voir ce genre de travaux venant de toi ^^
Big up ! :)

fe said...

i loved the idea =D

pascal said...

Thank you/
JOcelyn.. yes, you are right..grays are my friends.
Merci Jonathan

The Chulo said...

amazing work.

Balbylon said...

Toujours au top.

Harry Potter peut aller se rhabiller.

tykayn said...

wawww trop bien tes illustrations hyper détaillées et dynamiques comme ça, miam miam! *-*

Katy Hargrove said...

Ooooooooh, its so perfectly fun.