I tried that same thing again, but I think I have had less of a success on this one as compared to the first series of drawing.
Still...it's a great experiment and I'm glad I'm doing this.
It makes me think in a different way.
As for the story...I'm not sure where they are going now...
Great shot selection (or compostion) on this one.
You can put each image in it's own Firefox tab and when you cycle through them, you have a cartoon! Yay cartoon Friday!
Great storytelling I have to say as I am damn curious now.
Loved it!
This is fantastic Pascal. I am in awe of how you are able to consistantly produce so many high quality images. It is truly inspiring.
I want to know what happens next!
I like so mush this "totem stoy" consept
your art always rock!
What a terrific series!!
Pascal, thanks for visiting me blog. Love the recent stuff your doing (as always) it rocks. Keep it up.
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