Monday, March 15, 2010

Lily loves mommy



How do u get that fine color theme??? super awesome... how much time u spend on each graphic image from start to finish???

Kendra Melton said...

Aww! What a moment!

Anonymous said...

Really lovin' the color palette

damon said...

to cute

Artur Gorczyński said...

These are beautiful, great lighting.

pascal said...

Thank you guys!
Bhavin.. this one was about an hour and a half.
I'm not sure what you are asking about the colors... these are just the ones I use...???

pascal said...

Thank you guys!
Bhavin.. this one was about an hour and a half.
I'm not sure what you are asking about the colors... these are just the ones I use...???

lorelay bove said...

that is so sweet!

Breadwig said...

I just love seeing all your family work Pascal. So fun and cool.

pascal said...

Thank you Lorelay, Bryan!

Anonymous said...

i love your illustrations. They are very sweet and your wife and children are so lucky that you're illustrating your family life moments! :) just precious!

Anonymous said...

i love your illustrations. They are very sweet and your wife and children are so lucky that you're illustrating your family life moments! :) just precious!