You can go check it out here
or just follow this link
All in all there are 125.5 girls drawn here
One of the girls in the last image is cut halfway up, so she's a halfsy, and I'm not counting the baby...who just happens to be a girl of course!
I know I don't typically show that many sketches, or such "raw" sketches here, but I wanted to post these so that everybody could see them. Especially students.
I get a lot of emails from art students asking me how I got my style, how I do the work I do, a lot of them ask me what software I use, as if that is the key to doing fun and nice illustrations or animations.
I also see a lot of portfolios of younger artists either still in school or just graduating who are wizards at using Photoshop, Maya , illustrator, flash and whatever software is out there these days, but , very few of them actually DRAW a lot in their sketchbooks. And if they do, they tend NOT to show their sketches.
The reason I'm talking about all this right now is because if you do want to get better, if you really want to find your own style, and start having fun with your art, it is all about actually DRAWING! And drawing in your sketchbook, everyday, is really the first step you need to do.
The second one is SHOW YOUR SKETCHES!!!
I know it's scary to show your personal work because, in a way, you feel like you are exposing yourself to people, and the fear of judgment is a terrible feeling. But you'll be surprised to find out that people will react favorably , and will give you feedback that you NEED to grow as a artist.
Additionally , the more you draw and the more you share your work, the more you will inspire your peers and people around you, and the more motivated you'll get. and talent is not a gift from god. I don't subscribe at all at all to this point of view.
The art of drawing is purely mechanical. The more you practice, the better you get. There's no secret involved, no formulas, no crutch. The more you draw the better you get.
As far as ART and what you are saying with your art is concerned, it's a totally different matter.
It's a lot like writing in my opinion. Everybody can learn how to write, but a precious few can become Mark Twain's or Ernest Hemingway. That takes something else. A vision, a point of view, an outlook on life that is personal, the dedication to bring it out of you.
And of course, a lot of focused work to get it out of you.
THIS is where your style develops as well. It's not in the act of drawing, is HOW you use that skill. What you are going to say with it and the way you are saying it... that's what your style is.
In short..
If you want to become an artist...DRAW! Don't look for formulas and shortcuts.
And enjoy your life, have tons of experiences, and draw from them to create your own art.
Have a GREAT day!

Complètement d'accord avec ton propos Pascal! Et superbe rough au passage. Quelle patience... :)
Merci Matthieu!
These are so fun! my favorite is the one with all the girls on the stairs. :]
Thank you Kendra
I found you through the guys at Portalnd studios and began following your blog. I enjoy and am challenged by art. I am not a practicing artist but I have started sketching a bit in my journal and I like it. Thanks for this encouragement. Could it be said that art and drawing are a gift from God, but a gift for all of us? : )
Thanks for your work.
Your words are words of wisdom for sure. It took me years to figure out my "style" and I don't really know why. I used to spend a lot of time really struggling, perhaps working in the wrong medium. When I started using the computer, it opened new doors, but I realized that after using the computer for so long, I forgot how to use a pencil!
Imagine that.
This is the best advice for any artist..pick up a pencil and DRAW draw drawwwww!
Thanks Pascal :)
Chris.. thanks for the nice words, and I do think art is a challenge for everybody, all the time. Especially people that do art on a daily basis!
Renee..I'm so glad you appreciate this!
Can't wait to see more of your sketches!
Ah, Pascal. I always knew I watched your blog for a reason. I can't actually remember now how I found it but I know how I felt when I did. Your drawings, even the ones that didn't depict people, were always so warm and welcoming. I'm sure you get that inspiration mostly from your family but it's incredibly inspirational to me, who has never met you, all the same!
Thank you for the little pep talk. I'm not one of those people who has previously e-mailed you but I have always been curious. I'm always slaving over my art, day and night. And even when I'm not drawing I'm wondering about it in my head. The one thing I don't do enough is show people what I do, I suppose. But I'll be trying to more from now on.
The sketches were wonderful as usual! I particularly love the one with all the women admiring the new baby. It's so well thought out. I always love your compositions.
Thanks for sharing your artistic experience with us all. :)
I'll stop talking now!
I like what you write here, but I think there is one more thing that you need beside the purely mechanical practice. And that is to have fun when drawing, and I think this is your secret. My guess is that you often are laughing when drawing, or at least enjoying it very much. Because that is what I see when I look at your drawing. Also your avatar also show that. ^_^
Seeing you rough sketches is also great fun!
Ha! Good point Blom!
Good point
Hi Pascal,
as a Teacher and Animator (and...first of all I love and enjoi draw) i totally agree to what you've written on this post.
I think is true...nowadays student doens't draw enough: practice and Frank and Ollie use to confirm are the basis for a career in visual art (animation, illustration...comics).
By the way, congrats for your artwork!
Ho..Rochelle! I thought I had answered you but I see I didn't! SO sorry for that.
THANK YOU for your nice words! I'm glad you liked the thoughts.
Marco! Ha.. Just checked out your blog! GREAT characters! Thank you.
Thanks Chroma!
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