Monday, July 20, 2009


.... Probably the last post for a little while.I'm leaving tomorrow for Comic con and won't be back on the blog for a week or two!



Javier Molina said...

If you are still there on Sunday, i'll drop by and say hello!

Kab -ValMo said...

Haaaa lucky! Have a nice trip there!

jessicadrhp said...

Have fun!

Tooninator said...

what booth will you be at? I really wanna get to say hi.

pascal said...

Javier..I will

I will
Tooninator...Our booth is G03 come by!!

Kristin said...

Lovely! Hope to see you at Comic-Con. :)

Algoine said...

Nous serons fort et saurons vous attendre toi et notre dose de beaux dessins ! (argh ! Quele sevrage va être dur !!!) :D

pascal said...

Kristin... we did! and it was great.(^_^)
You are such a nice person!

Jean... Tu n'auras pas a attendre trop longtemps, tiens!