I now have 1000 sketches in my folder of sketches of the day! ( I actually have more than that, but, from the time I started numbering them for the daily dose of imagery that I've been doing for the past three years, this is it! 1000.
And, a little goodbye one for good measure...that makes 1001, like the Arabian nights!
This doesn't mean I'm abandoning the blog, or drawing everyday, it just means that I'll change the way I do things, and give myself some new challenges from now on!
And here is 1001

In the mean time... HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
Wow! Congrats. 1000 is one of my favorites. Any plans to color it?
(^_^) HA! I just answered your post on Flight.
Thank you so much Jake! And, yes, i will color this one!
Well done. Great Job. Perhapses next time, you'll give yourself a slightly easier task????
Génial !!
J'ai hâte de connaitre le nouveau challenge :D
Un projet de artbook avec ces illustrations ???
Congratulations! You should post sketch number one with number 1001.
The city and dinos are great, I love when you do these sort of busy doodles... would make for a cool video game...
That is such an amazing feat! Your work is truly wonderful and full of life!
Congrats! and sketch 999 is also wonderful! Thanks for being so inspirational, your sketches always make my day.
Thanks guys.
Illustrator's lounge... I hope not..I don't see how I can learn to grow with an easier task, but, I'm still in flux right now.
Ouiiiiiiiiiii, je fais un nouveau bouquin de oogeley Boogeley, mais celui la n'aura que des sketches de cette annee( de juillet 2007 a juin 2008)
"ON" viens deja de me demander une compil des 1001 dessins.
Comme ils sont pas tous super, je vais peut etre en refaire certains.. mais bon.. c'est pas pour tout de suite.
Tony C.. You know.. sketch 1 is pretty dawn awful! I feel a little bad about posting that right now!
Eli... Ha.. that's a good point.. didn't think of it
Thank you
Super nouvelle ça :D
Hâte de voir le petit bijou
1001 is maybe the one that I enjoyed the most.
Cheers !
Congrats ! And welcome in your new blog life of challenges.
Here's to a thousand more!! Hope to see you at Comicon and pick up the next volume of Oogeley Boogeley.
Bravo ! Funny and cut. Nice illustration.
en français: superbe travail réellement. A la fois techniquement irréprochable mais surtout très drôle et poétique. Chapeau !
love 1000, very nice.
(^_^) Thanks guys!
Achde...super compliment venat de toi... je viens de voire ton blog..GENIAL tes boulots!
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