What lies UNDER...
comes a little late in the day, not because it is such a complex image, but simply because there's a lot of stuff happening around me these days. Big changes are happening. I'm getting married, I'm leaving my job to go freelance, and I'm doing a ton of extra stuff on the side as well.
It seems all pretty straight forward, but, when you actually get into action, you realize that a lot of things that seemed clear, easy and direct, are full of twists and turns, and hidden things. Other issues, on the contrary, are much easier and funner than you'd expect.
At this point, I thought I had a good grasp of some things in life..it seems I was just deluding myself. I guess it's part of the charm and the fear of living..it's that you really never know what's in store.
Sigh...what a life....wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!