IRENE..she was with MEL MARTINEZ? Somebody told me this is so, and she was with all the major " BLOWBACK" like TEDSEA- TESSEA- HORESEA- She was good. Mob's not stupid when they need to use people and use them to death. And that's what they did to IRENE. And physicians used them, too. In al their grief and in all their RAGESS . MP3. The most twisted bitch I ever met in my life. NYE? She was just mental. Period.
IRENE..she was with MEL MARTINEZ?
Somebody told me this is so, and she was with all the major " BLOWBACK" like TEDSEA- TESSEA- HORESEA-
She was good.
Mob's not stupid when they need to use people and use them to death.
And that's what they did to IRENE.
And physicians used them, too.
In al their grief and in all their RAGESS .
The most twisted bitch I ever met in my life.
She was just mental.
ca donne envie d'y être ^^
Sel.Cette image est un condense de notre weekend en fait!
ah ben ca devait être un bien beau We ! ^^
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