Monday, April 26, 2010

Coffee Shop


Tony said...

I love all the little details Pascal, especially Lily sitting on the counter and how you capture moments so well.

Jesse Winchester said...

Love this one Pascal!
I really like the lighting youve been playing with these days. Excellent mood and characters!

Lesley Vamos said...

brilliant! for a normally plain colour its so awesome how much variation and warmth you can get out of it ^_^

Unknown said...

Wonderful piece Pascal! I love all those details, the textures , the lighting, the low camera angle....Great job!

sebhary said...

... Chaques fois que je passe ici, j'ai un mot dans la tête: magnifique.

pascal said...

Thanks guys!

Merci Sebhary!

Vincent Mahé said...

very nice light!

pascal said...

Merci Vincent

CouponWebz | UPrinting Coupons said...

Fine Piece! I love how it shows a familiar scenery we usually encounter when we go and out and buy some coffee. The texture as usual are amazing and the angle is definitely awesome.

laurent said...

This one is sooo good !!! Encore Bravo
i am adding you to my new blog !
( )

damon said...
