Monday, January 26, 2009

Not my normal stuff

Too busy too busy and too busy to do anything else, so, here is a sketch of a sketch!
Ho well... I gotta try, right?



Pop9 said...

Peut-être inhabituel, mais pas inintéressant.

Javier Molina said...

Hey pascal! I know a little about flash and was curious what size do you export your flash files to photoshop? I would like to color in photohop with the same size image you post on your blog.Even though its a sketch, i feel the mood in the expression. Thats enough for me!

pascal said...

Hey Javier.
I export my images at the highest res possible, whihc is 8000/8000 pixels in flash (MX)
For this one, I didn't do much at all in photoshop though.

Pop...pas ininteressant!

Sarah Dicken said...

This is beautiful, Pascal... it would be cool to see caricatures of more people in this style!

pascal said...

thanks Sarah,
I feel like I'm really weak at this,,,but, hey..i won;t get better if I don't do it, right?

RAWLS said...

Try indeed. I don't see stuff like this very often man. Nice sketch of a sketch my friend!

pascal said...

Thanks Rawls..I'll try to keep trying!