I just got back from the San Diego Comic Con yesterday.
WOW! What a fantastic trip it was. We met so many phenomenal artists and talked with so many different people.
Mike and I were lucky enough to have a table right next to Martin Hsu , Jorge Lopez, and John Nevarez. A little further down the aisle was Patrick Morgan from Whale Boy fame and right behing us was Stephen Silver and Sergio Aragones. Bobby Chiu and the Kevin Dart/Chris Turnham who put out a GREAT compilation book of their illustrations.
We also met Deanna Marsigliese and Robin Mitchell. Both extraordinary artist and great people. Robin is one of those guys that you can't help but really really like. You should all check out his books, the Art of Robin Mitchell.
Deanna's work is incredible and so stylish. Simple but extremely elegant, drawings of girls and guys in a limited color palette that reminds one of Searle, which I think is a great inspiration to her.
Her publisher , Dan, was there as well, and he proved to be a swell guy as well.
Right next to them were seated two superb designers, Kristen Lester and Griselda Sastrawinata. I have both their sketch books, and boy are they kick butt designers.
Some of the highlights of the show for me were to meet Mike Kunkel, of Hero Bear who actually knew my work.
I was stunned. Thank you Mike, thank you so much.
And, Tim Sale, of Batman and Spiderman.
Both of them super simple guys, and great inspirations.
Some of the other GREAT GREAT people that made a big impression on me were Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera, PAtrick Morgan, Donnachada Daly, Luca Tieri,Octavio"'Cano" Rodriguez, Louie Del Carmen(Whose book I missed!Damn!)Jason Felix, John and Shelley Loter, Justin Ridge, Justin and Josh Parpan, Israel Sanchez, Sarah Mesingah, the whole Flight Crew, Rodolphe Guenoden who introduced me to PIERRE ALARY from Beladonne, Stephanie LAberis, Sarah Dungan, and a ton of other artists.
I'll probably make a new post a little later to complement and detail all of this.
I don't think I have to say that I'm super excited about this new upcoming year after seeing all these kick butt artists and their works.
It's probably going to take me quite a bit of time to get my head back on my shoulders and restart doing good work!
In the meantime, have a great day.
I don't know if you will remember me, but I stopped by your table on Friday . I always follow your blog and am a big fan so it was great to meet you in person. Your book is a great inspiration- can't wait till next year!
Bought your book - always a pleasure.
My friend bought the book for me at the con and now I anxiously wait to meet up with her. She had you sign it for me on Friday, not sure if you remembered.
As usual, great stuff! I think your images are always really fun to look at.
Sadly I forgot to grab your book as well Pascal! (I so enjoyed the first one)
I guess there's always next year unless I make it to a bay area con early next year.... It was great seeing you though!
Hey Pascal! It was so good to see you again. I can't wait to see what wonderful art you'll do in the year ahead. :)
Yay Comic-Con inspiration!
I was just introduced to your work through your book at Comic-con. What a delight to look through! Best wishes from a fellow painter and new fan. :)
Thanks everybody.
Tevik. Of course I remember you. I checked out your blog too. Very nice stuff. don't hesitate to send me some of your work. I'd love to see it
Mark. Thank you
Yup..I remember your friend. Two people bought books for "Rico" Your friend was the second one and we talked about that! Hope you like it
LOUIE! Oh my god. I came by the last day but you were never at your table when I was there. Then, I sold out! Sigh. Next time?
Sarah. My god you are tall!(^_^)
What a pleasure to see you and Stephen there
Kristin. That is so mice of you to say that!
Thank you
hey Pascal. Great meeting you at the con. Thanks for looking over my stuff and for all the feedback. Everybody I met down there was an education. Definitely worth the trip.
I added you to my links list if that's okay.
It was great meeting you! The book is brilliant. So nice to hear and see people using flash to create art. Hope to see you again next year. SDCC is always the single most inspiring time of year for me. Take care!
Hi. It was great meeting you and Michael at SDCC. I'm glad to hear you had such a great time. Take care.
Hey Pascal, thanks for being so nice to us at the convention, I'm a big fan of your work and it was so great to meet you!
It was great meeting you Pascal.
When I got back home and showed my wife all the awesome books I got...she grabed yours first and hasn't stop raving about it. Infact she's curious if you sell prints?
Once again...it was a pleasure meeting you!
Great to meet you in person Pascal! LOVED the book! thx!
Hey Pascal,
It was great to finally meet face to face. I hope you had a good show. Did you get to see the rest of the convention?
Thanks guys!
What wonderful feedback
So nice to meet you. Your stuff is good! keep at it
Boob. Dito.
Jimena.It was so nice to see you too. remember to paricipate in the Bologna book fair contest! It's really a nice experience
Josh. Your brother and you are seriously talented individuals. It was such a pleasure to meet with you guys. I hope we do that again
Deanna! Ha..Deanna. I'm still looking over your book in absolute amazement. Great work!
Scott. That's so nice of your wife.
As soon as things settle down a bit for me, which won't be until the end of August unfortunately, I'll update the site and put some prints and more books for sale. In the meantime, I'm just barely staying on top of work!
God... what an inspiration you are. Not only is your art fantastic, but talking with you is such a joy and a learning experince. I'm so happy we finally got to meet. Hi to Kay
Ben..I know, I know.. I owe you some revisions!(^_^) It's on my list. I'll get to it in a bit..
Just kidding( not really) .
It was so nice to meet you as well!
It was a pleasure meeting you, and getting a chance to chat. I hope the show treated you well! Fantastic work, and please keep sharing it.
Bummed I didn't get to meet you at the Con, you must have stepped away from your booth while I stopped by. Awesome book though!
Nice seeing you at the con Pascal. Your book rocks!!!
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