Monday, July 23, 2012

Rain drops


  1. this is so sweet. totally loving it.

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You choose such nice moments. I think that's really what I find so appealing about your work. I know in your video, you mentioned how important story is. I think that's true in the case of your work. I don't think that's true of all art, because art can be about light, or line, or accurately rendering reality, or mood, or color, or character, or any combination of those things enumerated. I think your particular focus is a combination of story, light, color, the three combining to set a mood. And, you do it so well. Very beautiful work you have.

  3. Love it! And I love the moment captured. I was just wondering how to color both outdoors and indoors in one frame when it's raining. You just answered a lot of questions! :)

  4. Added in my favs!

  5. Thank you.
    Frank... when I was talking about what I do.. it was just that..what I do.
    Most artist have a specific point they are working toward, a direction...mine is storytelling in this way.
    Thank you

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Yes, that's what I meant, i.e., your focus is story. However, I think it's more than that. Lots of people tell stories, but you capture more than that. Your use of light and color capture -for me- an intangible mood that enhances the story. I think it's what makes your work so unique. Come to think of it, even if there were no story, the light and color are enough to draw me in.
