Friday, March 30, 2012

Good morning Bay Area

I know this one comes a little late in the day and is pretty rough....but it's because I actually left the studio I was at in beautiful San Francisco to move to a different location.
This is a memory sketch of the city in the morning, when the light comes through the fog and hits the bay .
I love this city.


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Though I don't live in San Francisco, I think you really captured that early morning atmosphere.

  2. Hey Kevin!
    Thank you

  3. Very cool! How often do you sketch for yourself? What medium is this?

  4. staying up way too late doing homework, but then I found on your blog. awesome things here that are inspiring and motivating and remind me why i'm going to art school. hope to be as good as you one day

  5. Jason.. thank you. I try to sketch for myself everyday
    Jenn.. that is the sweetest thing I have heard about my art in a long while...
    Too often I see students that have lost their motivations because they can't remember why they went to art school.. Thank you for this
