Friday, October 28, 2011

College days

I wasn't going to do a sketch today, but.. after going to San Jose State University yesterday, to say HI to the students, I have to say that I feel incredibly inspired, and a little jealous of them right now.
Not only is the San Jose State Campus amazing, but the students and the faculty members I had the chance to meet were some of the nicest person I have ever met.
Another thing that is striking is how good and talented the students coming from that school are.
It was really an honor and a pleasure to be invited there.

I just wanted to share that.
It is truly inspiring to see younger artist so eager and motivated.

Cheers and have a GREAT weekend


  1. Many of us, including myself, were inspired by you to do a Sketch of the Day! Thanks for coming to SJSU!!

  2. Thank you for coming Pascal! It was a great lecture. I've been feeling low recently because of my artwork but what you said was just what I needed to hear. Thanks again. =]

  3. Thanks for coming down Pascal!! As usual, your lecture/demo was very honest, informative, and inspiring!

    Please come back again soon!

  4. Hi, thank you for coming to SJSU! Your presentation and demo were fantastic and my friends and I agree that it was very inspiring and fun.
    Thanks again!

  5. Your lecture was great! I really hope you can come again some time in the future. I'll remember your words and try to make someone smile at least once a day. :)

  6. Thank you Pascal! your lecture and demo were very inspiring!

  7. beautiful:)
    hope to have you coming over one day

  8. Thank you for donating your time to come share you experiences and knowledge with us Pascal! It was an amazing lecture, just like the last one. Your work is inspiring and I hope you come back soon!

  9. Thanks for coming to SJSU Pascal!
    Here's a sketch I did of you during your lecture! :D

    Come back soon!!!

  10. WOw! this is a compositional feast for the eyes! Great stuff!

  11. Thank you so much everybody.

    Peter.. that sketch is awesome!! I'm resharing that on Facebook

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I miss my college days. This picture remembering me those days when we all friends enjoy and study together.

    Download The X Files Online

  13. Thank you for coming to SJSU and sharing with us your life and skills! You really made me think things in a different light. Thanks again Pascal :)
