Saturday, June 11, 2011

Little Big Things

So excited to give you all a sneak preview of my lastest book, "Little Big Things".  The book is already off to the printers and should be available by San Diego Comicon in July.  I'd like to say that a lot of hard work went into the book, and that's true, however it was also very fun and joyous for me to work on.


  1. This looks great, Pascal! I wish we were going to be there this year! :)

  2. Woo hoo! A new book from Pascal. Been waiting for this news!! Can't wait to see it. Congrats again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. La meilleure nouvelle de la semaine ! j'en prendrai au moins trois et j'en connais au boulot qui me suivront ! J'attends vraiment ce nouveau numéro !

  5. GENIAL !!
    Tu penses qu'on pourra se le procurer en France d'une façon ou d'une autre ?

  6. Looks amazing! They make me feel good! :)

  7. Thank you Sarah
    How are you doing these days?

    Thank you Carolyn...will you be at comic con?

    Thank you Lug

    Kavi...hey! je viens de voire la couverture de ton!!!!!!

    Merci Jonathan
    On va voire si on peut le faire vendre en France

    Thank you Lucas

  8. I have to tell you, is the first time i'm visiting your blog (i don't even know how i got here hehe) and your work is really beautiful, i love it!
    Saludos from México :D

  9. Thank you so much Aledi! Nice to meet you
