Friday, September 11, 2009

Next Window

Have a GREAT weekend


  1. So cool! I love the bird audience.

  2. We're sure gonna enjoy the weekend, and this pic is just CUTE.

  3. This is once again, an instant favorite. I'm such a sucker for romantic imagery, so this naturally tickled my fancy.

    Great color and comp choice, as always Pascal.

    BTW I'm doing just great, just keeping myself busy with a project similar in story to your appealing illustration. :]

  4. lovely. warm and fuzzy(:

  5. Your style is amazing. and WTF whith your backgrounds.

  6. Awesome!!!! Need i say more!?! I am working my way into the animation buisness. I was wondering if you can check out my blog when you have a chance and comment on my work.

  7. Hey Pascal, great work as always! I've a big fan of your site. Do you work in Flash? How do you achieve those soft glows? Do you use Flash for that or do you take your image to Photoshop? Just curious.. keep up the awesome work!


  8. Thanks guys!

    Haylee.. Ha.. I want to see that project!

    Oriol.. what a coincidence! I was just on your blog and thinking to myself .. MY GOD,,, you are SO SO SO incredibly good!

    Edward.. Definitely!
    I'll take a look at your stuff!

    I use flash for 95 percent of the image, and I use photoshop to add lighting and some texture to it

  9. Cool, thanks for the info. I love the stories you tell with your images, man.. excellent work!

  10. My new favorite Pascal. I love the simple palette!

  11. Thank you Patrick.
