Friday, April 25, 2008

Late Friday Sketch

..I've been sick a bit these past few days..and I didn't get to do much else but sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


  1. Mmmmh...
    Looks like me at work.

  2. Hope you get better soon! I just read your post and I will be going to comic con this year. Are you going to be there? Its always amazing to meet so many talented artists.

  3. moi je cherche l'éléphant

    ton post me rappel mon dernier post :une envie de vacances au soleil


  4. (^_^) Thank you.
    pop9...where do you work? I want to apply there.

    Tevik I'll definitely be there and, yes, I can't wait to meet a ton of phenomenal artist. It is always such an inspirational thing!

    Captain deriere l' tu le vois pas, c'est qu'il est bien cache.
    Ah oui... je viens de voire ton post...SUPER!
