Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Above the totem pole

So...I think i might slow down on the sequential posts.
They DO take a wee bit more time than the other ones...
Allthough, I REALLY like them.


  1. SO COOL! I really like the design of the White Buffalo.

    These sequences are really neat. It definitely should be something you should continue, even if it's not every day.

  2. what the....?

    you're not just happy enough to do one "sketch" of the day? now you have to do five?

    are you insane?!!

    PS- got something from you in the mail... thanks!

  3. Great stuff Pascal! I really like your sequential posts. It's the next best thing to actually watching one of your animations. Keep up the great work! I hope you do more of them.

  4. Oh so sad that the little kids have to leave the buffalo and go back down the totem pole :(

  5. (^__^)
    Thanks guys!
    I'll have to slow down on these for a bit, until work slows down too.

  6. I LOVE this series!!!!

  7. Wait a second! I just realized I was looking at this backwards. Silly me :)
