Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Floating houses and random thoughts

 Floating houses and random thoughts







1 comment:

  1. Good morning Pascal. In the last couple years, I have been taking some time to get to know myself better. I’m a 55 year old male who has not had a lot of opportunities in the past decades to really explore who I am, for a variety of reasons. The more I dig, the more I find. It’s enjoyable. Looking into the Myers Briggs studies (I took the 20 minute quiz on a few times as a beginning), I find that my INTJ score is very accurate with myself. I am a very introvert, details person. I don’t know what your MBTI is, but your art REALLY resonates with me. I see myself and my experiences, SO much in your work. I have recently determined that I am an HST (Highly Sensitive Person) as well. A better description/word (instead of sensitive) would be Fine-Tuned or High-Radar. I’m very much an intense noticer of sound, color, light, shape, mood, facial expression, tone of voice, change and so on. Being an HST is a blessing and a curse. I focus on the blessing. Your artwork really makes my HST hum, with your use of light, the moods and storyline that you portray and I find myself being able to put myself right into the story. You have an incredible gift and today’s post is a very interesting conversation with yourself (and the cat) about the ups and downs of being a ‘noticer’ and a creative. Thanks for what you do and allowing me/your fans to join along on the ride.. Scott Cissel
