Thursday, May 25, 2017

Street dwellers

Street dwellers 

Growing up in France we had a lot of those little cobble stone streets. They were nice but at 2 or 3 Am after a fun night out they were magical! With the little bistro lights hanging out and no one in site and the big shadows..

I know it’s just a sketch but sometimes, sketches like this make me happier than full blown illustrations.
It’s funny what motivates us as  artists in general. It’s usually not money although being paid a lot of money is nice and most of us dream about making a lot of it with our art.... when we think about it.. but mostly, motivation comes by doing a GREAT piece of art. Further more.. the piece of art has to be great in OUR eyes. We love being able to deal with a difficult problem and find a solution we had not yet thought of, or doing happy accidents and getting a  fantastic balance between the technical and the intuitive aspect of our work.. When we feel we've done something better than what we've ever done before.. we feel good.It breaks our heart when other people don't see that and we tend to seek other people's approval of our art because it's a way for us to know that the intense stories that we live in our head actually have a connection and make an impact on the outside world.BT.. public approbation does NOT make an artist happy.. IF this artist doesn't think his work is worth it. That's a funny thing.... you can praise heaps and heaps of compliments on someone's work and it will feel....nice... most of the time, but it will definitely not take precedence over the feeling the artist has of his /her own work. This is where the feeling of being a hack comes from. 
We always hear "no pain no gain".. we tend to think that you have to work hard at something if you want to get  better... and when we do a piece that takes us NO effort and people LOVE it, we feel like we've cheated. This feeling is reinforced when we actually work HARD at a piece and people barely take notice at all.
The best though... is when as an artist you feel like you've worked hard, HAVE learned something AND the public recognizes your work AND you make a million bucksThen... yeah.... that's awesome.But money alone is not a great motivator for artists.

As usual..this is just my opinion and you are free to disagree!

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