Friday, January 25, 2013

Blue Dance

Today, I just felt like I wanted to do something completely different. Does this ever happen to you? and how often do you act on it? a lot of times,I just think I am going to do something different but I don't... mostly because I am afraid of failing at it.


  1. It's lovely and change is refreshing!

  2. I try to act on it whenever I have the urge. It's usually a frustrating exercise, but in the end it's worth it. Getting outside of our comfort zones is scary, but I'll never grow as an artist if I never try anything new!

  3. It's easy to do what we know and are comfortable with. Cheers to you Pascal for trying something new and being brave to show the world! Thank you :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You are reading my mind...or maybe I am reading yours.

  6. This is great! You can definitely tell it's different from your usual style. I think that if you feel a desire to try something different with your art, you should definitely try it. Maybe you won't fail; then again, maybe you will fail, at first... but then you try again and again until you figure out how to succeed at what you're trying to do artistically. This is what I think.
    Btw, I definitely like the direction in which you took this image.

  7. I agree with what you said you are afraid that you will fail. However, I believe that it is process of trying to discover yourself within you and your artwork reflects on your current thoughts and knowledge that you've been developing. People love to see changes unless it contains your heart and soul!

  8. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Wow! I like the different style.

  9. Alll the time! Its frustrating but wonderful. I love the new style! So expressive and spontaneous

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    it; slike painting... it ;s ok!!

  11. Creativity lives and wants to continue to express itself differently. It's a lovely image :)

  12. Nicely done, I love the softness of it and the scattered texture. Even though the medium is so very different, you can still tell it's a Pascal! Is this pastel?
