Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bridge and Sidebar interview

A couple of weeks ago, I had the immense pleasure of talking to the guys at Sidebar... for those of you who don't know about the Sidebar podcast, here is a link http://www.sidebarnation.com/my_weblog/ Sidebar is a podcast I regularly listen to in which they interview artists from comics, animations and other fields . The interviews have this incredibly comfy and friendly feel to them and they are wonderful to listen to. I was a little surprised when Curt and Swain, the two main guys from Sidebar asked me to have a talk with them, but it was a lot of fun and man, do they do their homework. Go check them out, and you'll see that you will find yourself going back for more and more.( some of my favorites by the way.. Celia Cale , Bryan Hitch, Bernie Wrightson... and many, many more).


  1. tu dessines de mémoire ?? Ou il y avait un bouchon ? ;p

  2. de memoire/imagination.

  3. this is AMAZING!!! Great lighting and composition

  4. Very industrial, beautiful lines & lighting.

  5. I just listened to the sidebar podcast and found your interview incredibly inspiring. I have also seen your video interview on characterdesign.blogspot, also great and inspiring.
    Anyway, I admire you work. Thanks so much for sharing.
