Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In Fall

My first thought with this one was to not post it. But then I realized that if I only posted the ones I felt really good about, I would be shutting myself off from trying different things. IN this one, I was trying to communicate a connection through the glances of the characters, but I don't think it came out as clearly as I wanted it to. I also wanted to imply the beginning of fall, when the light changes, and the shadows turn. Overall, it's not the best image in the world, but, very much like the foliage image I did a while ago, it's a good "getitoutthere" sketch that will help me figure out how to communicate more with faces. It's not easy to show work you are not sure of, but it does help you grow by accepting that no matter where you think you are at with your art, there is still an enormous amount of room left for growth.


  1. You are a master of expressions. The sunny shadows cast on the two tall figures, the wind in their hair, it's unique. It may not be what you intended, but is impressive in its own rite.

  2. Thank you COlette... I am glad you got the implied weather... I thought about putting a flying dead leave at one point, but really wanted to keep it as simple as possible

  3. Hi Pascal! I'm a huge fan of your work and i use it for inspiration every day. I wanted to comment on what you wrote about showing drawings you do not feel went well but using it as a way to push yourself forward, as i feel for my own blog a lot of my drawings are failures! but i desperately want to improve so i blog them all the same. So i wondered if you feel a blog should be a place to show your best work for onlookers, or is it a place for self improvement?

    Also! I think your drawing is just lovely and the lighting is beautiful! =)

  4. You made ​​a motivational video that still makes me go forward in the arts, thanks.
    Beautiful visual tag of the characters man.
    See ya!

  5. I actually like it a lot. especially her expression and colours. and also that the background is kept simply white yet you get an impression of the atmosphere.

  6. I actually really love it, I totally get the crisp fall feeling from it and i want to get out my scarves and boots! These two are getting ready to share hot cocoa when they get home <3
