Monday, November 14, 2011

First snow


  1. DanZettl1:00 PM

    fantastic! The composition feels so well balanced! The frequency in which you create these is absolutely crazy. I think I haven't seen another artist who creates as much as you do! Keep it up!

  2. Just found your work via tumblr/ deviant art. So beautiful! So much personality.

  3. The room feels so cozy with the colors you used. Reminds me of my lazy weekend mornings when it's super cold.

  4. I've never had the privilege to experience first snow but this gives me a pretty amazing idea of what it must be like. Brilliant as always. :)

  5. i love your style. been recently experimenting with vector illustration and this simple approach is so very attractive.

  6. C'est une grosse première neige !
    superbe illustration :)

  7. J'adore ce moment de l'année où l'on voit le matin la première neige par la fenêtre. Et je le revis en ce moment avec mon petit garçon, et cela semble aussi magique pour lui que pour moi! Très beau dessin!

  8. thanks for all the lovely happy drawings! they keep my mood up and help me trough stressy days :)
