Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Driving Lessons

It seems we do a lot of fast driving around here


  1. hehe, composition is rockin'!

  2. beautiful pascal! the other day i was in my character design class and was browsing through your website/blog on my laptop and a few of my classmates gathered around me and was like "ahh the colors" or "beautiful" and one classmate asked if i subscribe to your blog, because he does. haha

  3. hahahh j'aime le "TAYO !!" sur l'avant :)
    La vitesse est super bien rendu, on les imagine bien à 130km/h là (au moins !)

  4. I love the fun and joy in this illustration! It's almost like you're feeling the experience that they're having. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Thank you.

    Francis..ha.. that is funny..and sweet. Thank you so much for that, I take it as a huge compliment.
    What school do you go to again?

    Jon.. woui... en fait..elle dis plutot "faster daddy, FASTER!!".

    Thank you Taylor
