Monday, October 25, 2010

Family games

This will be the last sketch of the day for a little while.
I'm starting a new project that will last for a while, and that will require most of my focus.
That said, I'll still post new images here and there, and I will also post some old ones that I have done a few years ago, and maybe, some animations.

I'm updating my website and store as well.



  1. this is fantastic.

    I like that there are some key colours going on. Adds more interest

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    awwwwwww..... game night. precious

  3. The last sketch of the day for a while ???? am I the only one who respond to this tragic info ???
    ca va me manquer mais la famille avant tout =) , pour ton dernier dessin du jour tu voulais nous eblouir les yeux , c'est reussi ,! ce dessin est vraiment GENIAL !!! ... une chouette image de ce qui t'attend dans 1-2 ans ! J'adore ! j'espere que j'aurai la chance de voir la suite des aventures de la petite fille et la sorciere dans un livre jeunesse a paraitre .. genre bientot ??...

  4. Thank you everybody

    Kavi! Ha.. je ne pense pas.. pas tout de suite en tout cas!

  5. Oh man, what you are doing with colours and everyting... it's just magic. Thanks for sharing, love it!

  6. Thank you so much Florian!
    I really appreciate that!

  7. FABulous. One of my favorites thus far!
