Friday, May 21, 2010

Boat Trip


  1. Hi Pascal, we met last year at san diego comic con. I was the guy that showed you the sesame street abby show 3d animation ( I don't know if you remember). I still visit your blog on almost a weekly basis and look at your illustrations, and still they are very inspiring.

    I'm recently doing some backgrounds in flash and I am curious on how you get a smear texture on some of your pieces? Is this a special brush you use? Thanks for sharing your work!

  2. The monkey with the cupcake is so funny!

  3. Wow, awesome dude!

  4. Hi Cesar. How are you.
    I actually get the texture in photoshop, not flash.
    I draw the whole image in flash, colors included, but then I take it into photoshop where I add lighting and texture!

    Thank you Bas, Mukpuddy!

  5. So excellent! I love the simplicity of the boat - almost like it doesn't exist and they are just using their imaginations ^_^
