Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Early Bird

I usually get to the office before the light comes up, and, when it does, here in SF, it's quite glorious.


  1. wow - fantastic image. Love the lighting and mood.

    Great stuff!

  2. il fait bien chaud de si tôt matin, non ?

  3. Thank you.

    Jean.. n'oublie pas que je suis en Californie, et que nous sommes plus ou moins dans le milieu d'une canicule!
    En plus, ici, il y a une espece de nuage qui reste stationer sur la ville, et qui fais vraiment resortir la lumiere. C'est assez magique comme effet!

  4. Being an early riser myself, I completely relate. Everything seems much more peaceful in the early hours, and ahhh...Very jealous of you being in SF. The light there is like none other.

  5. I love the yellow mood

  6. Thank you guys.

    Haylee...where are you again?

  7. i didn't know you lived here in san fran.. i guess i just never checked your profile.. but i LOOOOVE your work.. it inspires me sooo much. thanks man.

  8. Great lighting pascal, you can really feel the warmth of the piece!

  9. Lindsay. I did! We just moved about a month or so ago, we're in Burlingame now, but I still come to the studio in the city every day. We're in Potrero... you should come by and say hi sometime!

    Patrick..thank you! always a pleasure to hear from you!
