Friday, July 10, 2009


I have two versions for this one. I drew the large one first , and I like it,but I also like the reframed , shorter one.
What do you guys think?


  1. I love the scene of the first one, but the smaller one makes it so much more intimate, which I guess is what you're going for!

    Love the daily updates by the way. :)

  2. I agree with Martin, eliminating the negative space brings you into the moment, especially with the plant on the left for a lead-in.

    Think I'll go home and kiss my wife again...and again. etc

  3. I kinda love the bigger one ....
    Love the colors as usual, and the lighting too... brilliant work, Mr. Campion!

  4. Great Space, Great art ...
    Be back for see all your works..
    just made a link on my blog..

  5. There is an intimacy with the small one but the composition of the larger one is nicer.
    Love all the couple stuff you're doing lately. Keep it up!

  6. Both are nice, but I heart the larger one!

  7. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I like more the second,
    I think that It has a great composition and creates a better environment for the couple.
    Your art is so inspiring.

  8. I'm diggin' the larger one too. The composition is really nice.

  9. The square one! I love the square one!

  10. i like the larger one myself :)

  11. i love the larger version (:

  12. Thanks guys!
    Ha. the opinions are really mixed. I've gotten a bunch of emails as well as replies here and on Facebook... roughly half like the large one, and the others the small one, but, for the same reason. That's interesting!
    Thank you for all that feedback. this is great!

  13. that's a hard decision. as always when two versions exist. I prefer the large one. I like the colours and composition and in my opinion it has a more interesting atmosphere. Well, the small version is good as well, but as a watcher you immediately look at the couple. This is a pity for the background, because you paid so much attention to it.

    haha, sorry, wacky english. hope you got what I meant anyway.

  14. worries.. I understand!
    Thank you.

  15. First one. More intimist!

  16. I like the larger one. The light seems to act almost like a third person in the scene.
