Tuesday, April 21, 2009

10 years later

....Ok.. so.. I was listening to some old french songs on Youtube and came across one that came out while I was in High School, called, Place des Grands hommes( it means, the great men's square, roughly, and, in teh song, it's the place where a bunch of highschool or college friends meet up ten years later..... I use to love that song as a kid...even if it's really cheesy.
That's the inspiration for this one.

For those of you who care to take a look at it..here's the video

Have a GREAT day!


  1. Ca le fait carrément Pascal. De belles émotions dans cette image! Bravo!

  2. Comme quoi une chanson fromageuse peut inspirer un bon dessin. C'est réconfortant :)

  3. C'est de Patrick Bruel, c'est ça ? Celui qui chante aussi "Casser laaaaaaa voiaaaaaaeuh" ! :D
    Bon en tout cas, le dessin, lui il n'est pas cassé (hé-hé !). Et les tons choisis rappelle bien une ambiance Parisienne. ^^

  4. HAHA... The guy in the foreground looks like me! Nice work my friend!

  5. Matthieu
    Merci, merci!

    Pop9 .. marrant, t'est la troisieme personne a faire la reflexion" chanson fromage"... j'avais jamais entendu ca evant! ca me rappelles que ca fais 9 ans que j'ai quitter la France... y a pas mal de choses qui ont du changer, ma fois!

    Jean... wouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    Heu.. peut etre.. je la connais pas celle la..

    Really? That looks like you? hahaha
    That's how I am going to picture you from now on..and not an orange eyed robot!!

  6. Its simply beautiful...I love your style and the color palette.
