Monday, August 27, 2007

Egg Hunt

Hello Everybody. Hope you all had a great weekend. We saw Super Bad this weekend at the movies, and, wow, it was so funny. very much in the vein of knocked up, but cruder.
A good movie if you want a good laugh.

Here's a piece I did based on the theme of dragons, for one of the phenomenal Bobby Chiu's books. I like it, but I'm not sure how well it would fit in the book. I might do a few to try out. So, there might be more dragon stuff coming up, who knows?

Have a GREAT Monday


  1. oh yes my goodness yes indeed.. thoroughly inspiring as always. I remove my hat to you Pascal then i put back a smaller hat as a show of reverence

  2. this rocks! and yes, so did Superbad.

  3. wow. LOVE this! the whole atmosphere is fantastic. and so cinematic with those letter box bars. :)

    i have one of chiu's faerie books and think it's wonderful. and i second the superbad hillarity!

  4. Just discovered your site and wanted to say I'm really enjoying your work. Thank you for sharing it!

  5. (^_^)
    Thanks Guys

  6. Looks great! I'm sure whatever you choose to put in will be wonderful
