Friday, July 06, 2007

A little"R" train

Yet another research drawing. Nothing much.
I've just been working yesterday, which was really hard with that beautiful weather in San Francisco!
I hope today will be easier!

Have a great Friday everybody


  1. looks like the sheep are rehearsing a circus act! Love this series of drawings. All so entertaining! Are you preparing for a book?

  2. Hey Guys!
    Thank you.
    the doodlers
    I am doing a book in fact. Very much like last year's. But these two won't be in it. The book is already at the printer, and I should be getting a proof copy today!

  3. I just stumbled across your blog from surfing across many other amazing blogs. I instantly fell into a daze looking at your artwork. There are many things for my eyes to dive into here. I am now a fan! Awesome work, man.

  4. I love these sketches Pascal. Especially the previous one. Haha, the train tilting all the way over is fab. Lovely. By the way, I'll definitely keep one for you. Wanna make sure I meet you at the con. Looking forward to it.

  5. Love the train theme you've been doing over the last few posts....can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves next

  6. Hey guys. Thank you so much for all your feedback.
    Tony. Thanks man, that makes me feel very happy!

    Donnachada. Your stuff rocks. I love those women you are drawing. SOOOO cool!

    Unfortunately, I'm doing a lot of cool stuff right now that I just can't post!
    Later in the year though, when all these projects are on the air, I should be able to post them here and on my site!

  7. Pascal, I want to run through your worlds. Keep rockin' on my friend.
