Monday, March 26, 2007

Autumn morning Paris..

'just thought it would be a good way to start a week.

Happy Monday


  1. aaw! that's wonderful, pascal. happy dreaming!

  2. yay babe! this could be the pigeons in st. marks square too!

  3. beautiful work pascal! i miss paris...

  4. You're work is beautiful as always Pascal. I intend to visit that fine city one of these days.... If I ever get a break from the animation industry!!

  5. Mike. Thank you.

    Katrina..hmmm.. I think I since another sketch coming up...

    Piotr. did you live in Paris or where you just visiting?

    Louie. Although Paris is not my favorite French city, i would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a taste of French culture. As for my number one places to see in France, I'm biased. The south is still the most beautiful place in my heart, since this is where I grew up.
    Provence will charm you with it's smells, colors, contrasts of people and the overall since of warmth, welcome and enjoyment of life. Provence is where you need to be.

  6. nice one buddy- this one really struck a cord with me! great composition and dreamy feeling....

  7. thats rad... or in my girlfriends words.." thats sweet... awhhh " .. I think both actually apply.. LOL

  8. That's so sweet! I always enjoy to look at your work!!

  9. very dreamy and fun ~ i love it! :)
